Τετάρτη 4 Μαΐου 2011

In 2 days, the EU will ban much of herbal

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Many peoples livelihood in natural health is at stake

In 2 days, the EU will ban much of herbal
Dear friends,

In 2 days, the EU will ban much of herbal medicine, pressing more of us to take pharmaceutical drugs that drive the profits of big Pharma.

The EU Directive erects high barriers to any herbal remedy that hasn't been on the market for 30 years -- including virtually all Chinese, Ayurvedic, and African traditional medicine. It's a draconian move that helps drug companies and ignores thousands of years of medical knowledge.

We need a massive outcry against this. Together, our voices can press the EU Commission to fix the directive, push our national governments to refuse to implement it, and give legitimacy to a legal case before the courts.                                                                                                   
Sign below, forward this email to everyone, and let's get to 1 million voices to save herbal medicine:
It's hard to believe, but if a child is sick, and there is a safe and natural herbal remedy for that illness, it may be impossible to find that remedy.
On May 1st the Directive will create major barriers to manufactured herbal remedies, requiring enormous costs, years of effort, and endless expert processes to get each and every product approved. Pharmaceutical companies have the resources to jump through these hoops but hundreds of small- and medium-sized herbal medicine businesses, across Europe and worldwide, will go bust.
We can stop this. The directive has been passed in the shadows of the bureaucracy, and it cannot stand under the light of democratic scrutiny. The EU Commission can withdraw or amend it, and a court case is currently challenging it to do so. If European citizens everywhere come together now, it will give legitimacy to the legal case, and add to growing pressure on the Commission. Sign below, and forward this email to everyone:
There are arguments for better regulation of natural medicine, but this draconian directive harms the ability of Europeans to make safe and healthy choices. Let's stand up for our health, and our right to choose safe herbal medicine.
With hope and determination,
Ricken, Iain, Giulia, Benjamin, Alex, Alice, Pascal, Luis and the rest of the Avaaz team.
EU herbal medicines law set for legal challenge:
European Union directive to ban natural remedies in favor of pharmaceuticals:
Traditional Chinese medicine firms may face delisting in EU market:
EU crackdown on herbal 'remedies':
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Αυτό* πρώτη φορά (1η φορά) συμβαίνει στα χρονικά της ανθρωπότητας!
Κοινωνική αδικία.. Κυβερνήσεις που ξε-πουλάνε την χώρα, δηλαδή τον λαό, δηλαδή ανθρώπινες ψυχές.. Χαοτικό χάσμα πλουσίων-φτωχών (βλέπε παλατιανοί και χωρικοί των μεσαιωνικών χρόνων.. βλέπε δουλεία).. Πάντα υπήρχε. Όμως, αντίθετα, αυτό* πρώτη φορά συμβαίνει στα χρονικά της
Κάνω λάθος; ; ;
*και άλλα, παρόμοια.
υγ. Και, σε αυτά τα θέματα, δεν υπάρχει καμία δυνατότητα επιστροφής, είναι καταδικασμένη η ανθρωπότητα στο να μην έχει δυνατότητα επιστροφής σε προηγούμενη κατάσταση. ..Κάνω λάθος;
υγ2. Δε ξέρω. Κάνω λάθος;
Έτσι τα βλέπω τα πράγματα.

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